Store Finder is able to protect the business owners valuable distribution network by hiding the retail outlet lists on a secure server.
Many of our clients are sensitive to the fact that their retail outlets / distribution network lies at the core of their business.
Their lists are therefore extremely valuable and generally speaking, they would prefer that their competitors are kept guessing regarding who they do business with. They also often want to conceal the scale of their operation.
This aspect is especially valuable if the distribution network consists of hundreds or thousands of outlets which are spread over a large area such as a state or country.
By hiding the retail outlet lists away on a secure server and only outputting tiny fragments at a time (on the results pages), a store locator is able to protect the business owners valuable distribution network.
read about our commitment to protecting your data
All activity which takes place inside the account administration area is private and protected. Storefinder’s administration area is secured with military strength SSL. This encryption protects not only your passwords but also the uploading of retailer lists.